Today is Pirate Day at camp. It rocked Emmett's world!!! He and Charlotte are well versed in Pirates. We read lots of pirate story books and have a couple of pirate movies on heavy rotation at home.( The Pirate Movie
Everyone was sad to see Matthew go. He was the camp mascot for the past few days and he and the Programmer are bestest best buds--they were last year too.
Now, the Thomas Trains have been packed up, Matthew's bed stripped, and the knitting is out of it's bag. It's time for me to switch gears. I'll probably go to campfire tonight and see if I can still remember the old songs.
Digging for treasure in the volleyball court
On the steps of my cabin
Seconds after this picture was taken Matthew took two more steps and filled his boots.
Yesterday morning Matthew walked into my room, handed me my glasses, and then handed me my camera.
I LOVE that shirt you are wearing!!!!!!!
That is NOT Matthew. Where is your baby??? Whose child did you kidnap? Or are those just old pics of Emmett? I call shennanigans.
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