Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This week two different Mom-friends tattled on my little Charlotte.

I couldn't be prouder.

Tattle #1:

Sunday afternoon....the family is home from Church and we are trying to decide what to do with our afternoon when the phone rings.  It is my friend T--.  She has recently started attending Richard's church with her husband and two boys.  Charlotte is friends with her oldest.  T-- called me to tell me how sweet Charlotte was to her boy.  Apparently she introduced him to her Sunday School classmates and then took him under her wing during the class.  She was very sweet to him and very helpful to his Mom.

Tattle #2:
My friend C-- emailed me to let me know how courteous Charlotte was to her while she was volunteering at her school.

I love getting calls like this and it makes me feel good that the lessons I am teaching Charlotte about manners and respect are sinking in.

I just wish she would save some of that good behaviour for home sometimes!

Have you tattled on someone lately? 

1 comment:

Ami said...

Ponder this:

Your child acts all sweet and nice at home and a maniac out in public.

Now, don't you just love it the way it is?

One of Matt's friends' mom used to call me after Matt spent the night and say he took out the trash and did the dishes and cleared the table.

And when I got him home, I asked him, 'Who are you and what have you done with my son?'

You're raising a sweetheart and you should be proud.
