Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting back on track

I think things are settling down around here.  I am on some new inhalers, my back is feeling better and I even managed to go for a run with my friends yesterday.  My energy is coming back, which is good.  Things were falling apart around here!

I feel some new blog posts rattling around in my head and when they are ready, I will get back to writing.  I am not going to make myself do the "Blog every day of November" thing that is popular now.  I believe in quality over quantity.  If I make myself blog every single day, you will end up with a lot of posts listing what I had for breakfast or my "to do" list for the day.  Bo-ring!

Yesterday was Halloween, of course.  Matthew got right into the spirit of things this year and practiced saying "Trick or Treat" all day.  Do you want to see their costumes?

I am so proud of the face painting skills I didn't know I had!

I love how Emmett looks in glasses!  (It's a good thing--he will need them soon.)
Matthew wanted me to paint his face red after watching Charlotte get done.

1 comment:

Ami said...

Great costumes/paint!!

Glad you're feeling better, too. You were sick a long time!!