Thursday, July 31, 2014


I am not feeling that great about my blog anymore.  This started out as a Mommy Blog.  I feel like as my kids have gotten older I have to be much more careful about what I say about them online. It's a small Virtual World.  I haven't been feeling very inspired to post here anymore.  My life is still going on and there is still stuff happening.  As life changes so do my online habits.  If you want to continue following snippets of my life I may still post here from time to time, but lately I've been getting in to Tumblr.  Tumblr works well for me as I don't feel the pressure to Think Deep Thoughts over there.    I can just give you snippets of my life.  A link I like.  A picture.  A sentence or two.  (It's also easy for me to post from my tablet when there are kids on the main computer) So, if you are so inclined try finding me over there.
This is where you'll find me

My food blog is still seeing regular posts as I am back into menu planning.  So, if you are feeling uninspired, take a peek at what's on my table from week to week.

Thanks for reading this far.  See you around!